
Course description

Explore the culmination of events known as a critical moment that can influence a patient's health trajectory. You will be introduced to the Adaptation-Development Framework for Neonates and the Philosophical Model for Family-Centered Perinatal Care to further your understanding of labour and delivery.

Learner outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to

  • explore the pregnancy experience as a normal and significant life event and its impact on the fetal intrauterine environment and well-being.
  • examine the common variances of birth or deviations from the trajectory on the woman and fetus/neonate.
  • explore the postpartum period and the transition to parenthood for the woman, neonate and family.
  • describe the maternal and fetal physiological effects of pharmacological and non-pharmacological agents used during childbirth.
  • describe breastfeeding knowledge related to position, latch, frequency, duration, common challenges and community resources. 


XNPN 10008 - Perinatal Assessment with a minimum grade of C
AND XNPN 10007 - Perinatal Development and Homeostasis with a minimum grade of C

Applies towards:

This course is not currently open for registration. If you have any questions, please contact us at ceregservices@mtroyal.ca.
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