
Course description

Delve into the issues pertaining to law enforcement in a modern democratic society. You will examine the relationship between policing and other aspects of the criminal justice system. Learn to assess the basic assumptions informing current policing trends in Canada and internationally. Topics include police-citizen conflict, occupational subculture, crime prevention, and the interface between police and other justice agencies.

Learner outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to

  • examine the interrelationship between policing and other aspects of the criminal justice system. 
  • critically assess the basic assumptions informing current policing practices. 
  • identify and value the day-to-day responsibilities expected of police officers in today's society. 
  • review and reflect on the future trends in policing in Canada and internationally. 

Applies towards:

This course is not currently open for registration. If you have any questions, please contact us at ceregservices@mtroyal.ca.
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