
Course description

Mount Royal Kantorei, has been making exceptional choral music for 26 years. A mixed-voice, auditioned choir of 70 members from all walks of life, Kantorei is the flagship chorus of Mount Royal University’s Conservatory.

Kantorei performs in the stunning Bella Concert Hall at Mount Royal University, where wonderful acoustics showcase the choir’s clear, rich harmonies. Collaborations include The Kenyan Boys Choir, Spiritus Chamber Choir and Calgary Men’s Chorus. Recent highlights include Mahler’s Symphony #2 and Brahms’ German Requiem with Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra; The Sunrise Mass and The Armed Man with Calgary Youth Orchestra; Berlin Mass.

Kantorei recently won an invitation to perform at the prestigious Cork International Choral Festival's Fleischmann competition and plans to travel to Ireland to compete as soon as restrictions are eased. During the pandemic, Kantorei has become well known for exceptional recordings, virtual videos and music videos such as the incredibly moving "Please Stay" by Jake Runestad.

This course is not currently open for registration. If you have any questions, please contact us at ceregservices@mtroyal.ca.

Thank you for your interest in auditioning for Mount Royal Kantorei for the 2024/2025 season.

This year's auditions will have two options. The first option is to submit a video. The second option is to attend our open rehearsals posted below so you can get to know us.


Option 1 Submit a Video (Accepted Year Round)

Please submit a video of yourself singing. It can be anything i.e. 30 seconds of your favorite song, or maybe the whole song (any genre). Maybe you remember an alto line from a piece you sang years ago and want to submit that. If you haven't sung a piece in a while, record yourself singing vocal exercises and warm up that shows your range. Introduce yourself and talk about your singing experience too!

Please fill out the Kantorei Audition Form to complete your video submission. At the bottom of the form you will be able to post a link to your video or you can upload the video directly to us. If you are having any difficulties with the form please email info@kantorei.ca for help.


Option 2 Attend our Open Rehearsals

Kantorei rehearses on Monday evenings from 7:15pm to 9:45pm at Mount Royal University. We are rehearsing in person at the beautiful Taylor Centre for the Performing Arts on the mezzanine level of the Bella Concert Hall located at 18 Mount Royal Circle SW.

Our open rehearsals are September 9 & 16, 2024 and January 6 & 13, 2025.

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