
Course description

Learn how to manage money and plan for your financial security.

Learner outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Assets
    • define what an asset is
    • identify the 5 different types of assets
    • set short-term goals related to assets
    • set long term goals related to assets
  • Budgeting
    • know how needs and wants affect our spending
    • define expenses and know how to track them
    • develop a personalized budget
    • set short-term budget goals
    • set long-term budget goals
    • list ways to save money
  • Banking
    • identify the different types of bank accounts with the related options and benefits
    • use the appropriate banking service safely
    • demonstrate how to access different banking resources
  • Credit
    • define the purpose of credit
    • list the advantages and disadvantages of credit
    • demonstrate an understanding on how to use credit effectively
    • list various consumer credit tools and resources
  • Consumerism
    • define consumerism
    • explain how consumerism affects people
    • define advertising and explain how it works
    • demonstrate strategies to control consumerism 
This course is not currently open for registration. If you have any questions, please contact us at ceregservices@mtroyal.ca.
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