
Course description

This intensive preparation course simplifies the PMP® exam so that you can pass without memorizing content. Our proven case-story approach and industry-leading guaranteed pass-coaching support means you will learn faster, excel on the PMP exam and become a better project manager. Learn through a life-like case study to master the situational exam questions. Immerse yourself in course content through engaging formats, including conversations that drive deeper situational understanding for you as an active course participant. Benefit from lifetime access to online learning tools, including our PMP simulator, flashcards and EVM (Earned Value Management) study book. Our guaranteed pass-coaching gives you access to weekly Application coaching calls, Hard PMP Questions Made Easy coaching calls and Accountability coaching calls until you pass the exam.*

How does it work? Achieve the 35 required hours to apply for the PMP® exam through our blended delivery of instructor-led sessions (23 hours) and independent study (12 hours).

Learner outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe the processes of the PMBOK® Guide.
  • Categorize areas of PMBOK® Guide to improve upon before writing the PMP®/ CAPM® exam.
  • Analyze and apply strategies to successfully answer PMP® /CAPM® exams questions.
  • Apply 35 hours of this course towards PMI education hours that are required to write the PMP ® or 23 PMI education hours that are required to write the CAPM® exam. 
This course is not currently open for registration. If you have any questions, please contact us at ceregservices@mtroyal.ca.
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