
Course description

Polish your presentations for enhanced learning in your classroom. You will learn to identify multiple strategies to address the needs of diverse learners. This course covers tools to enhance instruction and presentation, culturally responsive facilitation, conflict resolution in the classroom and generational differences in learning.

Learner outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to
  • list the various tools and techniques used to enhance classroom instruction.
  • identify strategies to work with culturally diverse adult learners.
  • detail the role of conflict in the classroom and provide ways of resolving conflict when it arises.
  • identify the various generational groups and provide strategies for addressing each group’s needs.

Applies towards:

Select a section to register
Section title
Refine and Enhance Instruction for Adult Learning
ON - Online
Mar 31, 2025 to Apr 27, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery options
Course Fee(s)
TXAE non-credit $385.00
Section Notes

•    Before your course begins, ensure your MyMRU account is activated. Step-by-step instructions for account activation can be found here. Once you have activated your account and have your MyMRU login information, you can log into your MRU Google account using your @mtroyal.ca email address and set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Help with your Google account can be found here, and help setting up MFA can be found here.

•   Course content will be available on the D2L Brightspace Learning Management System (LMS) 3 days prior to the start date of your course. You must be logged in to your MRU Gmail account to access D2L Brightspace. Your instructor will be available on the course start date.

•  Review our Student Information site for additional information about forms and policies, campus maps, parking information, technical support, and more.

•  For questions about this course or other information, contact cehealth@mtroyal.ca or 403.440.6867 / 1.888.392.3655 toll-free.

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