
Course description

Explore generational differences and the implications they hold for teaching and learning. You will discover that each generation or cohort of individuals has a set of defining events — social, political, cultural — associated with their lives. Learn how experiences influence the way individuals see the world, including their approaches and attitudes toward learning.

Learner outcomes

 Upon completion of this course, students will be able to
  • identify and list commonly-cited characteristics and defining attributes of each of the five cohorts under consideration: Veterans, Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials/Gen Y, Gen Z.
  • discuss and apply your understanding of generational differences, and their existence/impact to your teaching context.
  • critically analyze the various messages surrounding generational differences in the media and in educational forums (and what impact, if any, they have on the concept of ‘learning’).

Applies towards:

This course is not currently open for registration. If you have any questions, please contact us at ceregservices@mtroyal.ca.
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