
Course description

To the unfamiliar, the French horn can be a perplexing instrument. Its body looks like a meticulously-folded brass funnel cake. Its ring can blare alongside piercing trumpets, but it can also be soft, and croon with the flutes and the clarinets.

The horn’s ancient musical ancestors are the conch shell and shofar, but its unique shape stems from its origins as a hunting horn in Europe. Learn the French horn from highly qualified Mount Royal Conservatory instructors.


The Private Lesson Request Form must be completed prior to registering for Private Lessons.
Select a section to register
Section title
Private French Horn Lessons (60minx4)
R - Private Lessons
Sep 01, 2024 to Jan 31, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery options
Private Lessons (Conservatory)  
Course Fee(s)
TV07 non-credit $276.00
Service charge(s)
Section Notes
French Horn: 60 minute lessons; 4 lessons total. 
Students must confirm lesson schedule with their instructor.
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