
Course description

Experience the organ in the most dynamic way possible with instruction on the MRU Conservatory's beautiful 3-manual Létourneau pipe organ!

The pipe organ is a musical instrument that produces sound by driving pressurized air (called wind) through the organ pipes selected from a keyboard. Because each pipe produces a single pitch, the pipes are provided in sets called ranks, each of which has a common timbre and volume throughout the keyboard compass. Most organs have many ranks of pipes of differing timbre, pitch and volume that the player can employ singly or in combination through the use of controls called stops.

A pipe organ has one or more keyboards (called manuals) played by the hands and a pedalboard played by the feet. Each keyboard controls its own division or group of stops.

Private lessons are available for students of all ages and abilities and each student will be matched with an instructor that best fits their needs and goals.


The Private Lesson Request Form must be completed prior to registering for Private Lessons.
Select a section to register
Section title
Private Organ Lessons (60minx16)
R - Private Lessons
Feb 01, 2025 to Jun 30, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery options
Private Lessons (Conservatory)  
Course Fee(s)
TV11 non-credit $1,104.00
Service charge(s)
Section Notes
Organ: 60 minute lessons; 16 lessons total. 
Students must confirm lesson schedule with their instructor.
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